When is the right time to upgrade to Google Workspace?

Your guide to understanding when it's the right time to upgrade your Google Workspace editions.

As an IT manager, you’re likely dealing with highly complex security risks and work environments. If you’re already a Google Workspace customer, and have been talking about upgrading storage capacity, security features or collaboration tools, you may be considering an upgrade to Enterprise.

When it comes to Google Workspace, most of the information explains what is included in each edition, but limited information is available on when an organization should upgrade. You may also be struggling to determine which edition will work best for your unique business needs. 

In this handbook, you’ll gain deeper insights into: 

  • Key questions for your organization to consider
  • Features of Google Workspace licences
  • Differentiators of Google Workspace Enterprise
  • Functionality and options across Enterprise tiers 
  • Top security features and configurations
  • And so much more

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