Beyond the Migration: How to Modernize Your Workloads for Cloud Success

Pythian’s Cloud Modernization and Data Transformation eBook


Migrating workloads to the cloud isn’t the same thing as modernizing workloads. A migration shouldn’t be considered the end of your cloud journey. In fact, when it comes to modernizing your IT infrastructure, it’s just the beginning.

Whether you’re seeking scale, agility or cost efficiencies, there’s more to cloud modernization than moving to the cloud. Even if you’ve already moved applications and workloads to public or private cloud, they may not be optimized for that environment, particularly if they’re complex legacy applications.

Whether you’re lifting-and-shifting a workload to the cloud or improving-and-moving by optimizing that workload before you move it, migration should be considered a first step in a broader effort to modernize workloads. Modernization helps you take what’s already there—and what’s still to be migrated—and tap into the new possibilities that cloud environments offer.

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